Annual Report 2021

Co-operative Housing Ireland (CHI) delivered a record number of 592 homes in 2021, a 30 per cent increase in output compared to 2020. CHI’s growth has been significant over the past number of years. The stewardship of this growth requires vigilance of the long-term needs of our Members and their homes. To this end, a dedicated asset management and property services team was established with a new head of function. Throughout CHI, there has been additional resources allocated to all aspects of the organisation with the core aims of meeting the needs of our Members and responding to the housing shortage crisis.

Annual Report 2021

Key Strategic Goals 2021-25

Key Achievements 2021

Goal one:
Growing Co-operative Housing
•        592 homes delivered a 30% increase on 2020  
•        Sustainable homes – continued delivery of a majority BER A-rated (over 90%)
•        Larger developments in the delivery pipeline

Goal three:
Developing Co-operative Leadership
•        17 participants on the Board Skills Training Programme
•         Feature of CHI Members on the Co-operative Housing International Podcast
•         Ongoing review of CHI Rules and Model Rules

Goal four:
Raising our own capacity
•         Increase in CHI staffing numbers to 92
•         Introduction of a Performance-based management system
•         Appointment of Head of Asset Management and Property Services
•         Restructuring in a number of CHI Departments to meet needs and improve efficiencies
•         Arrears at less than 2.5% (an annual reduction of 30%)

Goal Five:
Leading the co-operative movement
•         Co-produced the national conference, ‘Rebuild Better Together’
•         Advocacy on the Affordable Housing Bill and the inclusion of Housing Co-operatives, community-led housing and Community Land Trusts as a provider of affordable housing
•         Participation in national and international forums on co-operatives, housing, and community issues

Goal two:
Building sustainable co-operative communities
•        140 deep energy retrofits Sustainable Energy Authority as part of CHI’s Warmth and Wellbeing Programme, minimum BER B2
•        Member Engagement Working Group established
•        Successful application to the Housing Finance Agency Social Investment Fund
•        Supported the establishment of three Member Associations
•        Community projects including weeklong events celebrating International Women’s Day under the theme ‘Women in Leadership,’

2021 at a glance

CHI delivered 386 homes in Leinster during 2021, accounting for over 65 per cent of the organisation’s output last year.

A new life in Loughlion

“ I used to drive between Newbridge and Kildare every morning - life was a little uncertain much like that winding road”–Patrycja Mordon– CHI Member and Loughlion Green Resident discusses what life in her new home means to her.
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2021 proved to be a productive year for CHI’s output in Munster, with 200 homes delivered across the region accounting for almost 34% of the organisation’s total delivery.

New home in Baunacloka

"It’s a massive change to where we were”– CHI Member Brendan discusses live in his new home in Baunacloka Heights, Mungret Gate, Mungret, Co. Limerick.
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CHI delivered 6 homes in Ulster during 2021.
The homes were delivered in Ramparts View, Virginia, Co. Cavan, an estate within which CHI already owns dwellings.

“It’s a great estate and I get on with my neighbours. We’re a mix here of CHI homes and private homes”–  Daniel from Ramparts View, Virginia, Co. Cavan shares his housing journey.
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